with passage on environmental protection.
In order to substantiate the importance of the topic of environmental protection at the company, in January 2010, AMPEG adopted it in the employment contracts for all salaried employees in line with the following paragraphs.
By doing so the company’s singular attitude to environmentally-friendly behaviour is designed to encourage individual employees to act.
§ 12 Acting responsibly for environmental protection
As long as operational and business interests are not affected, salaried employee shall perform all available measures for saving energy, avoiding waste and using recyclable materials. Measures that follow this principle include the following: workplace computers and other electronic devices should be switched off at the end of the working day and switched directly to stand-by mode during midday breaks and meetings. Paper consumption should be reduced by printing on both sides and waste should be separated. If useful measures for environmental
protection are possible, and if there is any doubt concerning related expenditure, or whether operational and business interests may be affected, a decision by the manager or management board should be solicited.
This passage in the employment contract should not and may not exercise any force, but, by being included in the contract, should manifest itself as a codex that is designed to show how environmental protection is to be lived every day at the company. However it is not the policy that counts, but its implementation together with the employees. It goes without saying that the employees’ managers and the company management are required to initiate, support and actively implement projects. So that we lead by good example!
The fact that so much excellent potential still exists for driving environmental protection forward in the company is shown by the many contributions on the individual topics related in our blog.