The Security Dashboard with over 500 analyses on board.
A 360° view of all relevant areas in a network is the key to maximum IT-Security. Without a continuous, detailed insight into the security status, so-called "blind spots" are created which offer ideal opportunities to intrude into the network.
Reduce the attack surface
Security Lighthouse is a central component in the tool box of the IT security. The identification of the network's weak points is supported with a differentiated, individually customisable set of rules. The knowledge gained from this serves one goal: to eliminate weak points in order to reduce the attack surface and keep it as small as possible.
Taking the rudder in your hands
a) Collect and intelligently analyse security information,
b) Recognising weak points with the security dashboard,
c) Take countermeasures,
d) Strengthen the protective shield to reduce the attack surface.
At Ampeg, we call this Security Level Management.
Customer Voice SCHOTT
"AMPEG has proven to be a flexible partner, open to innovation and improvement. If we, as a customer, have an idea and say that we can imagine this or that as a new feature, then that will be picked up. This gives us the opportunity to help shape certain details of the product itself and the project roadmap."
Dirk Ossenbrueggen
Head of Information Governance and Security at SCHOTT
Customer Voice KWS SAAT SE
In addition, AMPEG reacts quickly to requests of all kind and implements customer wishes very quickly, Sternberg adds, speaking about the positive experience of the introductory phase: There are no long waiting times as we have known them from other service providers. Our supplier delivered missing analyses within two to three weeks.
Andreas Sternberg,
IT Security Officer, KWS SAAT SE